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You should have received documentation from the University regarding your username and password. The username and password provided will give you access to your student email and student portal ( If you need assistance in resetting your password, you can reset the password with University IT online or call 310.243.2500.
To access student information such as grades, course schedules, or view your financial aid documents, you must login to the student portal,
You can update your student information on Click on Student Center to access your student information.
Official notification of withdrawal to the MPA Coordinator via email or letter is acceptable. Students must also withdraw from all courses if registered. Students may also temporarily leave the program. If students would like to take a Planned Education Leave, the form must be submitted prior to the first day of the University academic calendar. For more information on Planned Educational Leave, please click here.
Students can drop a course within the allowed timeframe. If the course has not started, you can go to to drop the course. After the course has started, you may drop the course through in the first week. After the first week of the course, you must contact the MPA coordinator.
Refund policies are adhered to by University policies. There are different refund schedules depending on the duration of the course. Please review the policies here.
Students must first seek to resolve the matter informally with the instructor of record. Students may also discuss the issue with the Director of the MBA & MPA Programs. Students must demonstrate that a meeting with the instructor of record was done within one regular semester session of the course in question. If the matter is not worked out informally within five classroom days, the student or student representative may send a grade appeal in writing to the Dean. If the matter cannot be resolved within the College, the appeal is forwarded to the Student Grade Appeals Board. For more information on the grade appeal process, please click here and review the University Catalog.
Textbooks for current courses can be found under the "schedule" tab in the right hand navigation. Textbooks can be purchased through any venue. Students must make sure that the correct textbooks are ordered. Students can visit the University Bookstore to purchase textbooks.
Financial aid is available to eligible students. Students must be US citizens or permanent residents, did not default on previous student loans, and be enrolled at least six units per University semester. Students must submit a FAFSA in order for the Office of Financial Aid to process financial aid funds.
Students are limited to a maximum of 9 units that may be transferred into the program. Prior coursework must be equivalent to the MPA curriculum and must be within five years from date of graduation from the MPA program. Coursework could not have been used for another degree. All units earned within the MPA curriculum must be within five years of graduation or coursework will not be considered. This time limit is in effect for transferred coursework and coursework earned while in the MPA program.
The University encourages students to develop critical reading skills, effective communication and intellectual honesty. All academic work submitted by a student should be in his or her own style, words, and form. Any work submitted that is not original work is considered plagiarism.
Plagiarism is considered a gross violation of the University's academic and disciplinary standards. Plagiarism includes the following: copying work by another and claiming it, false presentation of individual work as author or creator, falsely taking credit for another's unique method or expression, falsely representing oneself as the source of creative and academic work, or not properly crediting another's work within the individual's own academic work. Plagiarism is cause for formal University discipline and instructors can assign a lower or failing grade for the course where plagiarism has occurred. Learn more about academic integrity.