In-Range Progression

Important Updates

December 31, 2024 - Final date to receive new IRP requests.

By March 31, 2025 - All IRP transactions to be closed out.

In-Range Progression (IRP) is a permanent base salary increase within the current classification salary range. It provides a method for an employee to move through a salary range and is contingent upon meeting the eligibility criteria established for each employee group. For represented employees, the eligibility criteria and procedures are defined by the relevant Collective Bargaining Agreement.
These procedures apply to employees in the following bargaining units: 
  • CSUEU (Units 2, 5, 7, 9)
  • APC (Unit 4)
  • SUPA (Unit 8)
  • UAPD (Unit 1)
  • Confidential Employees (C99)
  • An in-range progression should not be promised to the employee prior to final review by the Office of Human Resources and final approval by the Vice President.
  • The award of an in-range progression shall be final and shall not be subject to: CSUEU Article 7, Grievance Procedure or CSUEU Article 8, Complaint Procedure; APC Article 10, Grievance Procedure; SUPA Article 7, Grievance Procedure; UAPD Article 8, Grievance Procedure.
  • Eligibility Criteria (per bargaining unit) can be found later in this document.

Procedures to Submit IRP Request

An employee may submit an in-range progression request to their (non-bargaining unit) manager (MPP). However, only CSUEU, APC and UAPD employees may submit requests directly to Human Resources (HR) Classification and Compensation, in the event that the manager does not forward the request to HR Classification and Compensation within 30 days. A Complete IRP request packet should be submitted to Human Resources.

In-range progressions are funded by the initiating department. There are only two ways to submit an IRP request: 
  1. Employee-Initiated
  2. Management-Initiated

NOTE: Failure to submit any of the required documents/forms may delay the processing of the request. 

Employee Requests

If If an employee believes they are eligible for an IRP (based on the relevant Eligibility Criteria), the following should be completed and submitted to the (non-bargaining unit) manager (MPP):

  1. Complete the In-Range Progression (IRP) Request Form
  2. Complete the Justification section on the IRP Request Form that explains the factors that support the request and criteria.

    • The effective date of an approved IRP increase will be at the beginning of the next pay period following the receipt of all required paperwork in Human Resources.
  3. Supporting Documentation 
    • Employees are encouraged to provide supporting documentation if the request is based upon additional work assignments, responsibilities, or duties. 
Management Requests

If a manager (MPP) believes an employee is eligible for an IRP (based on the relevant Eligibility Criteria), the following should be submitted to Classification & Compensation: 

  1. Complete the In-Range Progression (IRP) Request Form

  2. Complete the Justification section on the IRP Request Form; must address the factors that support the request and criteria selected.

    • The effective date of an approved IRP increase will be at the beginning of the next pay period following the receipt of all required paperwork in Human Resources.

  3. Revised Position Description may be submitted along with the IRP Request Form if the request is based upon additional work assignments, responsibilities, or duties. The position description could highlight the changes to the duties/responsibilities and the organizational need for those changes, and should include appropriate signatures.

Review Process

Human Resources Review

The Office of Human Resources will conduct an analysis of the IRP request, however, the appropriate Vice President will have final approval authority for in-range progression requests. Each IRP request is reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

  • HR will review the IRP Request Form and all supporting documentation submitted with the request.
  • HR will respond with a decision to all requests within 90 days of receipt. The HR date stamp and/or email receipt will be used to resolve any disputes regarding the date of receipt.
  • The Division Fiscal Officer will be notified by HR of the final disposition of the request, including the amount of any salary change, if applicable. HR will prepare a notification memo to notify the employee of the decision, with a copy sent to the Vice President and appropriate administrator.

All IRP forms should be submitted to Human Resources by email to, upload to the HR Secure Dropbox or deliver to WH 340.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria by CBA

An IRP is based on one or a combination of considerations, subject to the respective Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Bargaining Unit


CSUEU (Units 2, 5, 7, and 8)

Article 20 - Salary

APC (Unit 4)Article 23 - Salary
SUPA (Unit 8)Article 21 - Salary
UAPD (Unit 1)Article 19 - Salary
Confidential Classifications (C99)Per the Confidential Employee HR Program Guidelines
  1. A President or designee can grant this increase at any time;
  2. The salary increase must be within the existing salary range and has no minimum increase percent requirement.
IRP Criteria Addendum

IRP Criteria Addendum

Assigned Application of New or Enhanced Skills:

A growth in skills or the development of new skills and abilities required by the position as determined by management and regularly applied by the incumbent. The enhanced new skills and abilities must be consistent with the requirements of the classification and/or applicable skill level. By acquiring these enhanced skills, the employee takes on additional responsibilities which do not warrant movement of the position into a higher classification/skill level.

Information must be submitted identifying the time spent performing responsibilities resulting from acquisition of the enhanced new skills must be linked to the position’s essential duties and are not isolated, infrequent, non-essential or temporary duties.


Equity is generally based on job related factors such as skill, experience, and performance in the same classification and skill level. A salary analysis is conducted to evaluate the competitive market range for the position and classification. A salary analysis is conducted, and compa-ratio calculated.

1. Internal Equity: An in-range progression may be considered where employees within the same classification performing substantially similar work are receiving different rates of pay than other employees on campus. An internal equity analysis will consider job-related factors of an employee compared to other employees within the same classification performing substantially similar work.

2. External Equity: An in-range progression may be considered where market data establishes that individuals employed outside the campus performing substantially similar work are receiving higher salaries than those employed on the campus. An external equity analysis will consider total compensation (base pay + benefits) and job-related factors of an employee as compared to other external employee groups performing substantially similar work.

Increased Responsibilities and Skills:
(APC and SUPA)

Considered if there is a permanent and significant increase in responsibilities that does not warrant movement of the position into a higher classification/skill level. These responsibilities must be reflected in the position description.

Increased Workload

Recognition of a permanent and substantive increase in duties and responsibilities that still fall within the same classification or skill level.

New Lead Work or Project Coordination

Given to an employee on an ongoing basis by an appropriate administrator, where classification standards do not have lead work or project coordination as a typical responsibility.

Other Salary Related Criteria

Must identify and submit appropriate justification along with specific examples and supporting documentation.

Out of Classification

Additional duties and/or responsibilities have been added to the position that increase the complexity or scope but do not warrant reclassification. Changes to the job must be substantial and on-going.
The additional duties and/or responsibility or the percentage of time spent performing the additional duties are not significant enough to warrant reclassification. These responsibilities must be reflected in the position description. Temporary work would not warrant a permanent increase in pay.

Performance/ Extraordinary Performance

Considered if the employee has worked at a higher performance level for a sustained period of time. To validate performance over a sustained period of time for work identified in the position description, we would review the official signed copy of the performance evaluation.

For CSUEU and SUPA (Unit 8) employees there must be a current performance evaluation on file, and the employee’s overall rating should reflect “Consistently Exceeds Expectations.”

For APC (Unit 4) employees the overall rating must be “Outstanding.” A permanent annual performance evaluation that reflects the current evaluation period must be attached to the request at the time of submission. Probationary period performance evaluations will not be accepted.

Probationary period performance evaluations will not be accepted.


Retention is validated if an employee has received an official job or bona fide offer and submitted notice. It is then up to the department to determine if they want to grant the IRP based on retention.