Classification Review

Classification Review Process

The classification review process involves an assessment of the kind and level of work that has been assigned by management and that is performed in a position. Positions are classified following a thorough analysis of duties and responsibilities assigned.


Reclassification: A permanent change in the classification of an individual position to either a higher, lower or other comparable level classification based on changes in the position’s duties and requirements.

Classification Review - Procedures 

These procedures apply to employees in the following bargaining units:
  • CSUEU (Units 2, 5, 7, 9)
  • APC (Unit 4)
  • TEAMSTERS (Unit 6)
  • SUPA (Unit 8)
  • UAPD (Unit 1)
  • Confidential Employees (C99)
Employee Initiated
  • Employee: Please complete the Classification Review Form below. Route the completed Classification Review Form to the (non-bargaining unit) manager (MPP) for signature.
  • Management: Review Classification Request.
  • A complete request consists of:
    1. Classification Review Request
    2. Summary of permanent changes to your current duties
    3. Current Position Description
Management Initiated

Please complete the Classification Review Request form, checking the appropriate boxes as indicated. A complete request consists of:

    1. Classification Review Request
    2. Summary of permanent changes to current duties
    3. Revised Position Description
    4. Organization chart, if applicable 
Classification Decision Appeal (CSUEU & TEAMSTERS Only)
  • To appeal a classification decision please complete Part V. The incumbent must file the applicable documentation for appeal with Human Resources. Please refer to the following provisions in the collective bargaining agreements for the appeal process:

  • The appeal documentation (and attachments) must include a detailed statement by the incumbent indicating the reasons for disagreement with the classification decision.

Human Resources Review of Classification

  • Upon receipt of the documentation, HR will review the Classification Review Request Form and supporting documentation submitted and will respond with a decision to the request within 180 days of receipt. The HR date stamp and/or email receipt will be used to resolve any disputes regarding the date of receipt.

  • A desk audit will be scheduled with the employee and the manager. The employee will be notified in writing of the classification and/or in class progression review decision and the reason(s) for the decision.

  • Should the review procedure result in a change in classification, the effective date is normally the first day of the pay period following the date the classification review request was received in Human Resources.


The initiator of a Classification Review must complete and submit the following documents to Human Resources Management office. Upon receipt of the documents, Human Resources Management will notify the initiator of the next stage of the review process.

Please attach:

  • Request for Classification Review
  • Revised (proposed) Position Description
  • Current Position Description
  • Organizational Chart that reflects proposed position (if applicable)

Request for Classification Review Form  

Please submit the classification review request to